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Monday, February 16, 2009
Free yourself, get electrified

Last Friday Jiayi asked whether I wanna go watch Breakout with her the following day. God was I thrilled! Sadly I couldn't make it due to my already planned plans. If only Jiayi's tickets were for Sunday...... Oooohhhh well, at least I got an event booklet from Ivan. Heee, can't stop eyeing at those Bboy's snapshots in the booklet! :P

Anyway, I read these at Aunt Nora's blog :)

"A man's deepest desire won't turn "on" because you're great or because you're prettier than any woman he knows. BUT... a man is utterly mesmerized by you when you're fully in your Feminine self - SOFT on the Outside, STRONG on the Inside. When you're self-assured and know and believe in your worth. "

" There are many fish in the sea. There is no one and only Mr. or Mrs. Right and no perfect person, only real people, with real imperfections. Finding love means being open to many possibilities and making compromises.

You have to climb the mountain if you want to enjoy the view. Take reasonable risks and try new ideas. It is only a matter of time, patience and persistence before success comes.

Resist the temptation to reveal too much about your personal life too soon. Avoid discussing with strangers about your real age, income, your ex-relationships, horrible dates, mishaps, legal problems, your psychiatrist. You never know how this information will be used.

Discuss the future, the possibility for friendship, tell him/her about the ideal qualities, relationship, family that you might be interested in the future. Listen carefully to his/her reaction.

Keep distance from other single friends who had bad relationships. They will tell you all if you will just listen, it is spread poison.

Don’t be picky - you will never find a perfect emotional, intellectual and physical match. You are facing hardship, disappointment. Instead, BE SELECTIVE: look for family values, integrity, compassion, commitment, intelligence, etc.. "

Precise yeah?

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Valentine's here, couples never fear

Your smile so bright, my grin can't hide;
When you beamed at me, my head felt light.

Firstly, happy valentine's day to all! :D

Spent my beautiful saturday with D&T in the morning; With my dearest girls, Shirley, Nanah and Aishah in the afternoon; With funpeeps of PoruShine at night! Well, group date is still considered as a date right? :P For now, it may even seems better than couple couple date. No offence, just my personal feel yea (:

Alrights, I just got home like, an hour ago, so I don't have all of the pictures taken on the fabulous 14Feb. Oh well, at least there're some pictures down there to fill the space. Heeee. Friggin' beat, goodnight loving humans who're all around. Till then.

Aishah; Nanah :D

Joy and laughter is all we had :)

Nanah; Shirley :D

Aishah, are you trying to steal all the fries away while we ain't looking?! :P


Shirley trying to cover her braces!


Round one battle!


We know not what we did 'cos we just do what we wanna do ;)


Alamak, Nanah's rose!

Eying at the pure white rose

Nice nice!

At waterfront bridge, with sister

Jeremy, Gabriel :D

Felicia; Ahh bad hair day

Love like sisters

Too bad my handphone can't capture a sharp image of this breathtaking night view..


Friday, February 13, 2009
Annoyance, what temper.
When I don't utter a word, it doesn't mean that I didn't mind what you did and I can ignore the fact. Truth is, I was stunned initially, fury eventually. I know you wouldn't be reading this, but whatever it is, you just beware. Disturb me once, I let you off. The second time? Not so easy peasy as you may thought. Show your idiotic face again and I'll give ya some kicks in the ass and send you flying off to Saudi Arabia, you perverthead.

If you happened to know what happened, you'll know what happened. It may not be as serious as it seems, but wear my shoes and feel what I feel, you feelin' me?

Okay, next.

Read this in Cindi's blog: "Never make someone your everything 'cos when they are gone, you've got nothing". Its so sentimental, yet its just so true. How can two just let go after all that they'd gone through? Agony would just be a word that underestimate how much it really will hurt.

Monday, February 9, 2009
Give it a lil' more patience
From Jasmine's blogggggg ;) Goodness, I must agree with what Jasmine said about this - FREAKINGLY TRUE! Sure enough, the result do changes, but below is what it is for me right now.

Name: Hauyan
Date: 2/9/2009
Colorgenics Number: 54312067

You are in a state of constant expectation and want interesting and exciting things to happen to you. But in fact, you are a 'Walter Mitty' at times - a dreamer - over-imaginative and often given to fantasy or day-dreaming. There is nothing wrong in 'dreaming' - how boring life would be if one just followed the doctrines of everyday life - but one must not continue leading a life of continuous fantasy. You need to face reality in spite of all its possible shortcomings.

Being a likeable person you get on well with neighbours and friends. You don't need anything to 'Rock your boat'. You want to 'love' and to be loved'.

You lack confidence and that is a great pity because deep down you are indeed a warm caring person. This lack of confidence is making you wary of being drawn into any open discussion or conflict and so you feel as if you should let matters lie and leave well alone. But there may be a pleasant surprise in store for you. You are beginning to grow and very soon - sooner than you believed possible - this warm loving new you will be available for all to see and to appreciate.

Presently, you are experiencing stress because of restriction on your independence. You need and seek respect from other people and it is essential that they appreciate you for yourself and not for what they would like you to be. You have your own beliefs and convictions and you would like to be respected for them. You are anxious to avail yourself of every opportunity that may come your way but nevertheless, come what may, you have the need to control your own destiny without imposed limitations or restrictions.

You don't like conflict and you endeavour to avoid criticism. You want to do your own thing and to be able to decide what is right for you. You have considerable personable charm - and this is used with considerable effect on those that keep your company.

Try it here!

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Putting on a strong front
Meteor, if I had one wish...? Just one... Please?

I cross my fingers, I'm praying hard.

Is there really nothing wrong? Is it really just me? Am I thinking more than I should? I'm sorry is thats the case. But.. There's this something bothering me. Telling me that something really did happen and that you're lying that its nothing. I've no clue why.

Dang. That feeling is a killer.

Despair and unease creep all over my heart. I can barely breathe, feeling not a single pump of oxygen. All alive outside, but dying inside.

If I would just perish...........


There I go.

Friday, February 6, 2009
You must be tired 'cos you've been running through my mind
You're my motivation, bringing me to the greatest height, but don't you let go or I'll never rise

Miss Wen Di, I miss you so damn lot that I gotta put our photo on the news to search for you! HEEEE

Miss those girlfriendssss ;)

At last, I slowed down my pace and took just enough breaths to relieve those tension I had for the past few days, or weeks I could say. It felt so nice to be home early for once ever since school life started all over again. What makes it lovelier is that when I return home, all tired and sluggish, my loved ones are in the house and welcoming me in their very own way. Now about my dearest family, I feel more than content :)

I've been missing those darls up there in the pic. Some more Ling and Cindi will be away on a cruise for the next two to three days. Which means we can only meet the next week, including the fact that if I've got not much to complete, which is kinda not possible. But whatever it is, if you girls reading this, just so you know that I miss you as much as a gazillion gigagrams of Takoyaki!

Okay, 'cos I'm craving for Takoyaki real much. Its no wrong to treat yourself to some yummylicious food after a long day isn't it? So yessa, I'll get them down at the Pasar Malam later! :D
Till then!

Oh my girlfriends please take care, do enjoy and come back safe! :D
I love you babes!

Monday, February 2, 2009
Time starts to pass, before you know it, you're frozen.
When life gives you a lemon, ask for sugar

During the first half of lessons today I ain't feeling too good. My head felt heavy, my limbs are all jelly and my eyelids are trying so hard to stay open. I thought I'm gonna faint somehow. But luckily, FOOD gave me some energy to end off the tiring day ;)

Oooh tomorrow we'll be able to see Shirley in her braces! Geez, hope it didn't hurt too much! :S She said that after putting on braces, its gonna be soup, soup and only soup for the next few weeks (if I didn't remember wrongly). Omgggggg lahh, if I were her, I probably can't take it after three days. Afterall, what's life without food? :P

D&T. I didn't do much during the weekends.. Okay, corrections. I didn't do anything related to D&T during the weekends. Moreover, my printer broke down, can't get any pictures printed. Fortunately, I can still catch up some work this few days and get my pictures before the next D&T lesson.

Actually, D&T plus other subjects weren't on my To-Do list the last weekend as all the students went out for CIP on Saturday and when I came home, I went out again. Ah har, talking about CIP. 4e3's location was around Orchard area. My group was supposed to do our flag day at the entrances of Center Point, but we got asked to leave that place. Ridicuous. OG's security guards didn't chase us away though :P I went around asking the same old question "Hello! Would you like to donate to the needy students in Singapore?" and ending it with "Thank you have a nice day!" Our saliva's all dried up by the time we can leave for school. I'll say its alright, kinda pleasant. Thats the least we could do to help others anyway :)

So then I went to stay over @ Ling's house with PoruShine! Got some hot news/updates from some of them and spent the rest of the night playing some board games. Okay hellloo, its not the same-old-boring-monopoly or snake and ladder, but its Saboteur and I'm The Boss. Man you sure gotta have some brains paired up with fast reactions to play these games. & my brain just ain't working when I'm playing Saboteur. Heh. Anyways, I finally can let loose my emotions on that very night. I felt so stress free, though its just for that very period. 'Cos I know once Sunday waves me goodbye, Monday blue is gonna come knocking again. Life, life, life.

Okay I wanna go catch some sleep. Real tired, but still looking forward to dance tomorrow ;) Can't wait to see those jovial girls!

Till then.

In time to come, I'll be stronger. I'll persevere. I'll stay in a piece. I ain't gonna give up just yet. I'll pull through all these.


Yours Truly

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Hey you

Hauyan ;
Sixteen ;
Am in ♥ ;

The sole reason for all the love I shower on my family and friends is because I cherish and treasure them real much.
I've got this inextinguishable burning passion - dance.
& defying gravity, I love the thrill of it.

Beats and Rhythm


Oxygen Suppliers :)

2e4 07'

Last Dance

♥ October 2008
♥ November 2008
♥ December 2008
♥ January 2009
♥ February 2009
♥ March 2009
♥ April 2009
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♥ June 2009
♥ July 2009
♥ August 2009
♥ September 2009

x x x x