Monday, March 30, 2009
♥ Honeylove
Some things I tryna figure out;Rainy days please go away,
leave my dearest in a better place.
Frowns and sorrow get outta way,
as I clear your worries from those dark gray haze.
You'll be fine and not in daze,
for I promise to be there when you're trapped in maze..
Now, tell me you're gonna be alright with no more heartaches?
Friday, March 27, 2009
♥ Let them flow
Here are the pictures I promised :)

Dang, I just love them dancers ;)
Raspberry ice-cream, as sugary sweet as my honey love dream :D
Uh oh, I'm in....
Saturday, March 21, 2009
♥ Deep in thoughts
Met SHINE @ Topone yesterday and we sang our hearts out, ending the whole karaoke session with a hot song by Coco Lee :P We even danced so freely though the room is smalllllll. We sure had a blast ;)
Travelled to Tampines afterwhich and gave Cindi a bithday surprise together with PoruShine :D I gotta say she's real gullible! Heeeeee :P sooooooo, before it slipped off my mind.... 
HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY TO CINDI!Hey girl! What I wanna say to you are all in that card! I bet you love it veryyyy much! Heeheee :D Love you babe!
To my dearest PTGF, please stay strong and do hang on there! I understand that uncountable things have been crashing down on you and it definitely is hard to put them all in place. Don't feel that life's messed up okay! 'Cos you're one the luckiest girl on Earth - You've got a nice family, a great bunch of jovial friends and not forgetting, SHINE! We're here, I am here, always. With many hugs :)
A myriad of thoughts were running through my mind yesterday night. In fact, those were pounding hard inside me. I couldn't voice it out. It feels... wrong. Something was wrong I know and, some things in my heart, I just can't figure it out.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
♥ Dance yo

I feel so high up in the air; Ecstatic
Due to my absence in school on Friday, I practically spent my whole yesterday to gain back all my beauty sleep that I lost during the weekdays. My energy level has thus been recharged back to a hundred percent. Great thing, 'cos we had dance bbq today! ;)
Promise to get back with pictures. Just gotta wait for Jialing and Jolene to upload and I'll sure grabbbbbbbbbb handful of those :D
Two days in a row was spent to my liking, so tomorrow I shall finish up things that I don't exactly love - Homework, with a capital H. Yes, capital H 'cos I've got uncountable waiting for me on my study table.
Oh well, at least I had smiles yesterday, today and tomorrow, I'll be smiling again :)
Till then.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
♥ Satisfaction, yet overloaded
Pulau Ubin; Makes your eyes popped out with those breath taking sceneries
After a week of hustling about my school work, I'm dead beat. Sleeping at 2AM and 3AM for 4 consecutive days had really wiped off all my energy. So tonight, I'll make sure I'll be snoring away on my comfy bed before 2AM :D
I've been trying to squeeze out some time to blog about my Pulau Ubin trip with Shirley, Vivian, Chien Nee and Chien Ling. & there, now is the time, I'll just show pics.
On the way to P.U
1 Vivian, 1 Hauyan, 1/2 Shirley
"Whats that?!" :O
House @ P.U
If I didn't get it wrong, this is the other side of the quarry we went during OBS
Muddy lake
While waiting for Shirley and Vivian, the camera sure came to good use ;)
After getting some injuries from falling off the bike, Vivian and Shirley ride a bike together, the above picture thus portrays how difficult it is to cycle. Moral of story, don't clumsily fall off the bike! :P
:D :D
Aiya, cannot see Shirley's braces, heh :P
Something real hilarious happened just before this picture was taken.... right, Chien Nee? :P
Jump shot 2
Self-Timer is not so usable for jump shots eh?
Chien Nee: Yes I'm in the air!
Chien Ling: Yes I'm all ready to jump!
Me: NO I'm still in a i-am-riding-a-motorbike-position! HAHAHHAHAHHA
Luckily the photo's quite blur, if not I muct have looked funny :S
Hut by the sea
From the back: Shirley, Vivian, Chien Ling, Chien Nee, Hauyan :D
Such heart-stirring scenery
Smiles, all around :D
Ladies :)
On the way back to Singapore Island
No matter no bright the Sun shines, no matter how vast the sea is....
Alright, that's about most of the wonderful times we spent at Pulau Ubin :)
Before I turn in, here's a phrase which somehow inspired me and make me learn something..
"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."
Goodnight! :D :D
Thursday, March 5, 2009
♥ Teach me to trust again
Need some piecing back
Its still clear and fresh in my mind things we'd talk about before. You told me that 'You Got Served' is a superb and must-watch movie. You told me before that I just gotta plug in, listen to those hiphop songs and just let my body do the dancing. You told me that you'll wait for our krumping session. Though I've yet to fufil any of it, all of these, I've not forgotten. Now what about you? What about you saying that you want to fufil the seniors' dreams? What about you telling me that you do enjoy dancing? Did you do it? Did your actions show it all? I'm sorry, but no.
Thanks sooo much. Sigh.
Disappointment engulfed me as I realised whats exactly going on. Initially, anger was all I felt, but somehow it had turned into a bitter pill. Thinking back about the lengthy chat we had just about two weeks ago, you now made me feel like a complete moron, for wasting precious time to talk to you, encourage you, motivate you and hear your side of thoughts. Back then, I even shared with you my own personal experience which nobody else I've told. Its just a few days back that I still carry a faith in you. I believed in you. I really did believed in you. I even am convinced that you will persevere and hold on till the end of the competition, like what you'd told me previously. But sad to say, you didn't. Its just so heart wrenching to know that I've put my trust in the wrong person, in you. My trust in you has now evaporated.
Do think about it, you lost all trust in someone you once trusted so much. So yes, thats how my heart's feeling. I am utterly disappointed in you.
When I sent the text,
I told you I'll be fine.
Truth is,
I wished you were by my side...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
♥ You're in my head like a song on the radio
Extreme joy filled my heart to the brim as Common Test One marks itself with a full stop :D
Though its the end of it, it also brings the 4E5N a step closer to our 'O' war. Yes I do know that I gotta balance both studies and cca, but for the time being, I'mma focus more on my cca.
'Cos its SYF, my last Dance SYF in Bedok View. So gotta treasure every bit of training, rehearsals and especially the time spent with beloved dancers :)
Ahh. I hope I can prove myself right bout' this particular thing, by getting good grades for those tests I just took previously. Ooh well, we'll see.
Back on the 24th of Febuary....
Heeheehee, you await for my long overdue present for you! *WINK*
Back on the 26th of Febuary....
HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY TO RIZUAN! :DYes Abang, we'll master our handstands till it last for minimum 10seconds yeah!
From the bottom of my heart, are the above dedications from ;)
Alrights, its late. Gonna turn in and get ready for tomorrow's mystery.